RMLG LogoHomeDemonstrating2005 IOLI ConventionHave You Seen Tina?LibraryThe Rocky Mountain Lace GuildWelcomes you!
The Rocky Mountain Lace Guild is dedicated to the appreciation of lace in all its forms. We demonstrate our skills at various events throughout the year and continually strive to educate the Rocky Mountain region about the beauty and craft of making lace.

Dues are $18.00 per year. Membership includes our Guild Newsletter; early enrollment in Guild sponsored workshops; library privileges; and the support of other lace enthusiasts!
Down load the PDF Membership Form here.2004 OfficersMerlene Solis – President
Sandee Mapp – Treasurer
Vasna Zago – Secretary
Helen Bell –Librarian & Historian
Don Swearingen – Membership
Laurie Masten – Demonstration CoordinatorWe can be reached by mail at:
Rocky Mountain Lace Guild
P.O. Box 11225
Boulder, CO 80301The Guild meets on the second Saturday of every month from 10-1. We have no set meeting location, so each month we get together at various members homes or public libraries, usually in Denver. Please feel free to email <ctiger @ indra.com> for the location of the next meeting. Drop in visitors are always welcome!

The Guild maintains an extensive library of lace books, magazines, videos, and articles. Membership in The Rocky Mountain Lace Guild includes access to our holdings.

This document maintained by Paul Tiger for the Boulder Community Network
‘Technology Serving Community’
Material Copyright © 2000 – 04 Rocky Mountain Lace Guild
Last Update: 02/19/2025 18:09:16

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